Saturday, June 25, 2005

Reading Pirsig is like tasting vintage wine - the wine is great and the connoisseur that much richer with the experience and eager for the next.

Pirsig's hero, Phaedrus, the man with laser precision thought, discusses analysis as if it were slicing a problem finer and finer until there was nothing left but what is undeniable and that is the answer.

So if I were to retrospect about some of the seemingly instantaneous decisions made in the past, these have really NOT really been spontaneous. The unconcious was working at it until the slicing of the problem at hand has led to THE moment of truth. No amount of further labouring at the concious level would have yielded any further value. Post the event, the unshakeable faith is similar to perhaps how resolute a baby feels about exercising its vocal chords at 2:00 AM :).

Some call this hope and others foolishness.

And some know it is just happiness. :) See you soon.
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