Sunday, July 16, 2006


100 Minutes well spent on a Saturday evening. The drive to the theater was made alone (because hubby was out at a Twins game) and to confess, with a little trepidation about the choice ! If you havent already guessed, the subject of discussion is "The Incovenient Truth" a motion picture by Al Gore that is busting charts in the USA.

This is a "Green" movie made for the janta with different levels of awareness . It is made to scare, educate and provoke thought. Data, information and visual effects have been blended well to present a rather enlightening commentary on the state of the geographic world. And it has its light moments too.

In my childhood and college days such a film would have inspired an near-idealist zeal in me to perfect being a environment-friendly person. Today, pragmatism and conservation go hand-in-hand. And, surprise, that is what Mr.Gore advocates for us folks in a capitalist world. Suddenly, environmentalism didn't sound rabid.

If you have a chance to watch this film, please do. It may not change your lives but surely it will tell you what it might mean to not !

Have a great weekend..

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